Spridar programmering kangoo 1,5 dci
Moderator: Forumpolisen
- Posts: 14
- Joined: 21 Aug 2013, 16:16
- Firstname: Thomas
- Surname: Puumala
- Location: Västerås
Spridar programmering kangoo 1,5 dci
Hejsan har en 04:a kangoo 1,5 dci som förra ägaren haft ur spridarna på och han visste inte att dom är positionsbestämda. Så nu släpper den inte fram diesel till spridarna. Min fråga är går dom att nolla och programmera in i systemet igen eller går de att få reda på vart dom ska sitta.
Tack på förhand Thomas.
Tack på förhand Thomas.
Thomas P
- Posts: 1058
- Joined: 14 Jan 2011, 22:12
- Firstname: Johnny
- Surname: Søderstrøm
- Location: Siggerud ( Norge)
Re: Spridar programmering kangoo 1,5 dci
Lite info om denna "kodning"
The importance of IMA injector coding
The IMA coding is an industry standard: Injector Menge Abgleichung (injector Quantity Offset). When an injector goes through the OE test it generates an IMA code which identifies where in the tolerance range the needle and nozzle assembly fit, this allows the ECU to vary the fuelling accordingly and optimise the engine performance. Failure to code in the injectors can result in several issues
• Performance – in some systems it may be possible to drive away and not know any difference. In reality if the injectors have not been coded in it is unlikely that the customer will be getting the optimum performance from the vehicle and may well end up back at the garage with an increase in fuel consumption or black smoke etc.
• Non start – in newer systems if you do not code in the injectors the vehicle will not start
• Poor / lumpy running – as the injectors are not coded in the ecu will carry of fuelling as if the previous injector was still present which can cause poor performance. The engine management is also likely to come on necessitating another visit to the garage.
Vad du måste göra är att koppla in en diagnosdator, ex Clip
Skriva in spradarnas IMA-code för korrekt cylinder.
Gvetvis genom att läsa IMA-coden på spridaren.
The importance of IMA injector coding
The IMA coding is an industry standard: Injector Menge Abgleichung (injector Quantity Offset). When an injector goes through the OE test it generates an IMA code which identifies where in the tolerance range the needle and nozzle assembly fit, this allows the ECU to vary the fuelling accordingly and optimise the engine performance. Failure to code in the injectors can result in several issues
• Performance – in some systems it may be possible to drive away and not know any difference. In reality if the injectors have not been coded in it is unlikely that the customer will be getting the optimum performance from the vehicle and may well end up back at the garage with an increase in fuel consumption or black smoke etc.
• Non start – in newer systems if you do not code in the injectors the vehicle will not start
• Poor / lumpy running – as the injectors are not coded in the ecu will carry of fuelling as if the previous injector was still present which can cause poor performance. The engine management is also likely to come on necessitating another visit to the garage.
Vad du måste göra är att koppla in en diagnosdator, ex Clip
Skriva in spradarnas IMA-code för korrekt cylinder.
Gvetvis genom att läsa IMA-coden på spridaren.
Johnny Söderström
- Posts: 14
- Joined: 21 Aug 2013, 16:16
- Firstname: Thomas
- Surname: Puumala
- Location: Västerås
Re: Spridar programmering kangoo 1,5 dci
Jag har positionsbestämt spridarna och fått fram diesel nu men får nu ny felkod DF166 kamaxelsensor samstämmighet permanent fel. Bytt både kamaxelgivare och vevaxelgivare ande visas samma kod sen får jag även felkod DF 137 bränslerörstryck reglerfunktion ; tryck under minimum permanent fel men hittar ej någon läcka.
Thomas P