Engine failure hazard Renault Grand Scenic -

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Engine failure hazard Renault Grand Scenic -

Post by jershag »

Displayen lyser rött STOP Engine failure hazard på min Renault Grand Scenic -11.

OBD2-läsaren visar flera felkoder.


Displayen har även visat felmeddelandet Check antipollution.
Någon som vet vad som kan vara fel? Något man kan åtgärda själv?
Jonas Ershag
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Re: Engine failure hazard Renault Grand Scenic -

Post by jershag »

Kan tillägga att det luktar svagt avgaser i kupén särskilt vid start av bilen.
Jonas Ershag
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Re: Engine failure hazard Renault Grand Scenic -

Post by Stymie »

Nu skriver du inget om vilken motor du har, årtal och miltal, men jag gissar att det rör sig om en 1,5dci. Det finns en rödorange slang nära turbon som brukar kunna spricka. Då brukar det lukta avgaser och du borde höra lite pysljud. Svårt att hitta ... tydligen, på baksidan av motorn. Sitter en trycksensor i toppen på den.
Nu: Mégane E-tech Electric Iconic -22, ZOE ZE50 R135 -20, Mégane II RS -08, R19 16V Cab -93, R16TL R1156 -77, R16 R1150 -67
Förr: R20TS, R5GTS, R19TXE, Laguna, Laguna II, Grand Modus, Grand Scenic III, ZOE, Twizy 80, Kadjar.
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Re: Engine failure hazard Renault Grand Scenic -

Post by jershag »

1,5dci stämmer bra 🙂

Tack för tipset. Låter som det kan stämma.
Tycker mig höra lite pysljud när jag gasar på.

Går det hitta en sån reservdelsslang och vad söker man på?
Jonas Ershag
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Re: Engine failure hazard Renault Grand Scenic -

Post by Stymie »

Nu: Mégane E-tech Electric Iconic -22, ZOE ZE50 R135 -20, Mégane II RS -08, R19 16V Cab -93, R16TL R1156 -77, R16 R1150 -67
Förr: R20TS, R5GTS, R19TXE, Laguna, Laguna II, Grand Modus, Grand Scenic III, ZOE, Twizy 80, Kadjar.
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Re: Engine failure hazard Renault Grand Scenic -

Post by Mayswe »

Samma med Megane 3. Här en beskrivning av jobbet:

Did this job today on a Megane 3 1,5 dCi 110 hk 2013. I removed the wiperarms (marked alignment with tape on windscreen), the two rain scuttle-pieces and the air hose from the O2-sensor/air box. Early on I took some pics of the enginebay just to have some guidance on how to reassemble. Recommend that you do the same. Then unclipped all contacts obstructing and was then able to reach down behind the engine and could even see what I was doing. First dismantled the pressure sensor (one nut) to reach the backside of its contact and unclipped this one. Then pushed the pressure sensor against the torpedo wall and could see the two bottom clips which I moved upwards with pliers. Bit tricky. Now I could remove the unit with hoses attatched. My short one was broken, the long one intact. Got new hoses from Nissan (they use the same engine in some models). The short hose was exactly the same as in my car but the new long green hose had a too large large diameter at the end facing the sensor. Didn’t stay in place so just changed the broken one. When reassabling I first clipped the sensor contact back in and then tightened the nut to hold the sensor in place. Then with the top clips in place over hoses I slid the hoses bottom ends of over the pressure pipes below. I succeeded in sliding the clip down on the short hose but not on the long one so used a hose tightener with bolt instead. Lots of contacts to re-clip and the rest is pretty obvious.
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